Where are we going?

The trail has always been there. Look for the sign posts. Carry on.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Glacier NP

The sign posts took us to Glacier this summer.  We saw moose and bear and bison, etc.  Good to get out and see the country.  Look at the mountains.  And generally just good to get out...out of your normal routine.  Can be challenging, but change is always good.  Sometimes it can give you new perspective.  We tent camped our way across the west.  At times it was cold and wet.   We traveled approximately 3700 miles give or take a hundred.  Tyler, Tara and myself hiked to the Grinelle Glacier.  Saw where it used to be and where it is now.  About 25% of its formal self.  Along the way we encountered a cranky, rather large moose.  It mock charged our little group 3 times.  The moose did not like it that I stumbled over a pile of rocks.  We backed up on the trail and waited for the moose to saunter away.  It was foggy and chilly that morning and a light layer of fresh snow covered leaves and grass.  Our view of the valley was obscured by a milky blindness.  A little erie.  Added to the suspense of the moose encounter.  More Later...
     The more is much later.  Seems like an eternity ago.  When I think back to the vacation, I want to be back there.  Seems a world away.  So different from our day to day.  An escape.  A resbit.  Oh how I want to go back.  I do wonder what it is like there this very minute.  Whether it has grown quiet and secluded and desolate.  Whether the bear miss us.  The land returns to its former self.  Recalls a forever time when change came slow and no one noticed.  Rest well former friend.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 08 223

August 08 223
Originally uploaded by mvance524112003

It's fun to go through old pictures. This is from Philly. Summer '08 vaca.

Thanks, Lisa

Thank you, Lisa for a wonderful and informative summer project. I would have never explored to such a depth on my own. I did not know that half of these things existed or the degree to which they exist. This is not a shameless plug for my blog or a bribe to overlook the overlooked on my part. But I thought it was worth a try.

Greece 2007 Trip 099

Greece 2007 Trip 099
Originally uploaded by gythio2007

July 2007-Trip to Greece for Nick and Irene's wedding. Originally posted on flickr.

Learn to play Suduko

Learn Suduko Now this is a tool that I can use and probably will. Screen Toaster is a turnkey product with lots of potential,

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Wordle: Technical Manual
I am not sure how to use this tool.... As with alot of the information I have learned in this project. I am amazed at just how much is here.... There is more to the web than Facebook.

Creative Commons cc

It makes sense. With the web the power is placed with the individual. And the mind set is different because of the web. And maybe because it is different, a contrarian attitude exists. With new power comes new responsibility. You could make a argument for the freedom of the web and no ownership on the web. That it is a collaboration of collective endeavors. Like the first spreadsheet; visicalc. The creator gave it away. This is just conjecture. But you could say that all the benefits of our industrialized, technological world has been a collection of efforts by individuals past and present. And the culmination of all the efforts benefit everyone who uses or invents more technology. And that is there is not one owner or author or creator. So it makes sense that people may want credit, but don't feel that they own or should own the fruits of their labor. We each have our own gifts that we cannot share, but we can share the fruits which are begotten with said gifts. It make sense.

Reading is fun

Good Reads is just what it says. My login is mvancester

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Run, Run Fast as you can!

Saw Bix for the first time. Tara and Andrew flew out from Boston to participate. We had a very short and very terrific 4 days with our newlyweds. By the way, happy 1st anniversary on August 1st. A little more about Bix. It rained the whole time. I think that it probably lost some of its glitz. Not as many costumed runners as I had imagined. But it was a better day for the runners. A little cooler because of the rain. It also thundered and lightening up to the starting gun. One huge crack of thunder right after the singing of the National Anthem. Tara and Andrew finished well. I didn't ask them if they thought they would run it again. Hopefully they will.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Delicious site

Happy 29th B-day

Happy Birthday, Nick

Hope you have a great day! Here is to one smooth dude.

Visiting DC

My son Tyler is in DC this summer for an internship. We visited him last weekend. This was not my first visit to DC. It was my second. There is alot to see in DC and everytime or both times I have been there, it seems a bit overwhelming. So much to see. And hot. So very hot. We stayed at a great hotel; the Washington Plaza on Thomas Circle. Great out door pool. And great location. In the middle of the city. Walking distance to the Mall, etc. Great restaurants and great pubs. One pub worth mentioning is the Brickskeller. Over one thousand different beers from all over the world. It could not have been better. Tyler found a beer that he had in Buenos Aires. Quilmes. Right there in DC. What a great city.

Summer bugs me

Earwigs are everywhere. They bug me. Earwigs are pretty harmless. Some say that they pinch. I haven't been pinched by an earwig.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Tweet, tweet, tweet. Follow me @mvancester. Talk to you later....

Eve of July 8th

Shared b-day for Tyler & Eli (technically not Eli's birthday, but a shared day none the less)
Happy Birthday, Tyler.
Happy 8th month, Eli. Tyler is 22 years old and Eli is 8 months. I hope you both have a great day. Tyler is my son and Eli is my grandson. And 8 is a popular birth day in our family. My mother is born on the 8th. I missed the 8th by one day (what's that say about me...a little off) There are others in my family born on the 8th, but I'll leave that for another day. Any way it's a good day. Happy day. A shared day worth noting. Love, Dad & Grand Dad

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4 days with Eli

Just spent 4 days with Eli. He has changed so much. Eli is crawling and pulling himself up on everything. If you stand still too long, he will pull himself up on your leg. Eli will be walking and talking soon. He seems very close to both. He's a very happy baby...toddler. He is easily amused. He plays with his toys with both hands. In short, he is a busy boy.
We went to Old McDonald's Farm in Bever Park and he was thrilled with the animals. He's thrilled with almost anything. He likes mirrors and computer keyboards and necklaces and small pieces of anything on the floor that adults can't see. Eli likes to be outside. There is not much he does not like, except the occasional diaper change. He will not lay still. He flips over and crawls away. So he must be distracted for the event. Eli is a very busy boy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

WEB 2.0

The web became more available to participation.

"Whether Web 2.0 is qualitatively different from prior web technologies has been challenged by World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, who called the term a "piece of jargon"[4] — precisely because he specifically intended the Web to embody these values in the first place."

Wikipedia - Web 2.0

Sunday, June 6, 2010

13 things @ Coe

Starting 13 things @ Coe.
My experience as a new Grandpa. Very foreign term. Like most new things, they become old and comfortable with time. I am certain this is a good thing.